We’re celebrating the outstanding career of Chuck Penuel, AIA, NCARB! — Birchfield Penuel Architects

A few of Chuck’s career highlights include:

📐 cultivating relationships with esteemed healthcare partners St. Vincent’s Health System (@stvhealth) + Noland Health Services

📐 several volunteer positions with American Institute of Architects (@aiabirmingham @aiaalabama) and the Alabama Registration Board of Architects

📐 and, most notably, co-founding Birchfield Penuel Architects with Clay Birchfield in 1987.

His 37 years of leadership, alongside Clay, established BPA as a prominent healthcare architecture firm based in central Alabama. We bittersweetly announce his “retirement” as a managing principal and proudly bestow the titles “Founder & Principal Emeritus” to convey his evolving role within BPA. As a consultant, he will continue to impart wisdom, contribute to creative solutions, and bring his cheerful demeanor.

Cheers, Chuck! And congratulations on a remarkable career!

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