Auburn Architecture Grad, Emily, Joins our team!

Emily Hiester is a recent Auburn Architecture graduate & the newest addition to our team! Emily is coming to us by way of Auburn University’s Urban Studio - we’re thrilled to have her, and she has already rolled up her sleeves and jumped into projects! Get to know Emily a little bit below!

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What made you want to study architecture?

“In 7th grade, my whole school had to take a ‘Tech Ed’ class, and one of our projects was to design and create a house in SketchUp. I think I was the only student who kept the program installed and would play around every night and all summer. The passion just continued to grow from there.”

What do you like to do in your spare time/what hobbies do you have?

“Most of my free time is spent with my dog and exploring and finding new dog parks around the city, reading, catching up with family over facetime, or watching my favorite teams.”


What sort of music do you listen to?

“I listen to a little of everything. Hitting shuffle on any playlist is an adventure going from Elton John to Disturbed, The Animals to Post Malone.”


What is your favorite vacation spot?

“Anywhere that is warm and with a beach puts me into instant relaxation.”

 What sort of music do you listen to?

“Maroon 5 circa 2002 or apparently a lot of ‘stomp and holler’ (as reported to me by Spotify).”

Favorite TV show?

“Currently I am bouncing back a forth between a couple of shows. Some of my all-time favorites would have to be; Dexter, Lost, and Survivor.”


Bachelor of Architecture, Auburn University, 2021


Fort Wayne, IN
