We want to introduce a couple new & familiar faces!

Emily just graduated from Auburn with a Bachelors of Architecture and has joined us full time as a Graduate Architect.

Monique is wrapping up her Interior Design degree from Auburn and has returned to us as an Interior Design Intern.

We are so thrilled to have both Emily & Monique here – they have both brought a great energy & willingness to learn!

Get to Know Emily and Monique!


Emily Shirah

Hometown Mobile, AL

Education:  Auburn Architecture Spring 2020

What do you love about design/why did you want to study Architecture?   I love that design has the potential to create safe, warm and welcoming environments. I wanted to study architecture so that I can develop skills allowing me to bring vitality, hope, and beauty to otherwise desolate or neglected spaces of all scales. I like to see beauty and the potential for goodness in all circumstances- and I think design is a great vessel for practicing this.

What have you learned so far this summer?    Since working at BPA, I have picked up a lot of revit skills, and I have learned a lot about the “business side” of architecture.

Hobbies:  Hiking, fishing, meaningful late-night conversations around a campfire, volleyball, painting or creating artsy projects occasionally.

Monique Burton

Hometown Birmingham, AL

Education:  Auburn Interior Design Fall 2020

What do you love about design/why did you want to study Interior Design?   What I love about design is how it intertwines art and aesthetic with technicality and business. I always loved art growing up and wanted to be a business woman managing things. Interior design is the perfect blend of that!

What have you learned so far this summer?    So far I have learned a lot in Revit. We learned a little of Revit at Auburn, but being able to actually apply what I learned in school to my internship has helped me understand it better. Also, everyone at BPA is so helpful in teaching me how to use Revit

Hobbies:  My favorite hobby is painting! I have recently taken up sewing, especially while I was social distancing at home. I also love to buy and resell things online and in my community.

