Happy New Year everyone!  We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a good start to 2017! 

To kick off this year's "Meet the Team" posts, we thought it would be nice to feature one of our favorite architects and BPA Senior Associates, Tom Kidwell.  

Most would describe Tom as having a good sense of humor, thoughtful, very detail-oriented, and an excel spreadsheet wizard.  He’s even garnered a few nicknames here at the office.  One of those being “Iceman” because he is the self-appointed ice manager in our break room.  Those of us who love our drinks cold, are very much appreciative.  He’s also often referred to as “The Most Organized Man in the World” for his incredible organization skills -- no one here does it better. 

Above all, he is an architect extraordinaire who has managed some of the largest projects here in our office.  His attention to detail and focus make him an incredible project manager and a true asset to our firm. 

We’re thankful Tom took time out of his busy schedule to answer a few questions for us.  Enjoy!


What made you choose architecture?  “It provides an avenue to directly improve people’s lives.”

What are you most proud of in your career?  “Having the opportunity to work with great clients on multiple projects spanning many years.”

Have you ever had any other career in mind?  “Astronaut.”

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?  “I would love to see Giana and myself traveling with cameras in hand.”

What sort of music do you listen to?  “I like a variety of music.   There are times for smooth jazz or other genres of music, but for the most part my favorite is classic hard rock.”

Favorite TV show?  “If you consider comedies, the “Big Bang Theory” fits the bill.  I also like “Gold Rush” and other similar programs.  To be able to survive, and thrive, in that environment is so different from what most people experience.”

What was your first job and what did you learn from it? “My first job was cutting grass.  I had worked up to about 7 yards that I consistently cut for several years from middle school until the end of high school.  I also work in a motel from the time I obtained my driver’s license at 16 until I went to college working up from ‘busing’ tables, to bell hop to front desk clerk.  Both of these early work experiences were heavily centered on communicating face to face with people.”

What do you think is Birmingham’s best-kept secret?  “Our food scene as a whole is great!  We have a lot of great restaurants.  I especially think the many BBQ establishments across the city are consistently the best anywhere!  I’m generally on a quest for good BBQ when we travel and typically have found nothing better!”

If you could walk in someone’s shoes for a day, whose would they be and what would you do?  “Although this is a difficult question and tomorrow’s answer may be different, one would be Ansel Adams.  It would be amazing to be in the natural beauty of his day and time and to be able to not only experience spectacular scenery but also capture those images in such a powerful way.”

What is your favorite vacation spot?  “I love the mountains.  There is something about a cabin up in the mountains that helps to recharge one’s batteries.”

Make sure to subscribe to our blog to see our next "Meet the Team" post!

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