Owner: Alabama Power Company

Project Size: 3,780 SF

Awards: AIA Alabama 2021 Merit Award

The project consisted of the renovation and restoration of two of the last remaining houses at the Lay Dam Village, the superintendent’s and assistant superintendent houses. The Superintendent and Assistant Superintendent houses were constructed in 1916 as part of the permanent housing for plant operators at the Lay Dam facility. The intent of the project renovation and restoration was to address those items identified as “contributing” to the historic features of the structures and as identified in Gene Ford’s historical report. 

 The houses were occupied by plant superintendents from 1916-2012.

Alabama Power wanted to celebrate the reopening of these historic Lay Dam residences at their Centennial celebration.  The goal was that the restoration of these homes would bring a new vibrancy, as well as the opportunity to form new memories, at the company’s oldest operational hydro site.  These houses will now be used for overnight accommodations, meetings, and historical exhibit space.